With cineSync 5, In cases where you want to play back multiple video clips as a single continuous sequence, you can create a ‘File Sequence’ using any individual file in the Playlist and export it as an OTIO file if required.
The sequence can be re-ordered and its handles adjusted, so it’s possible to create simple context cuts and assemblies.
Creating a File Sequence will create an additional "movie" in the Playlist that contains the selected files in a single timeline, allowing you to play through continuously.
These additional "movies" can if required, have ‘In’ and ‘Out’ handles applied to each file that makes up the File Sequence.
Any notes applied to clips within the sequence will remain attached to the clips themselves, and can be exported to ShotGrid, ftrack, and elsewhere as normal.
Please note:
Creating a File Sequence
First, select and highlight the clips in the Playlist viewer that are to be used in the File Sequence.
Tip: You can load the Playlist by selecting ‘Show Playlist’ from the ‘Playlist’ menu. Or by selecting ‘Show Playlist’ from the bottom left drop menu. |
Once the files are selected, right-click on the file list and select 'Create Sequence', opening the ‘Create Sequence’ dialog.
In the ‘Create Sequence” dialog, using the ‘Name:’ cell, you can update the name for the File Sequence, by simply typing in the new value. (If you click ‘Create’ without editing the name, it is automatically named 'Sequence_1/ 2 /3..' etc.)
Image: ‘Create Sequence’ dialog.
Clicking the ‘Create’ button, the new File Sequence is added as the active file in the cineSync Playlist, where you can drag and drop it to change its order in the Playlist (just like with other files into it).
Any guests in the session will automatically also have the File Sequence added to their Playlist, providing they are using cineSync 5.2 or later (while others will have an unlocated file displayed in the Playlist).
Tip: While playing a sequence, the different clips are attached, and you can see their connection points with a slight color difference in the timeline. |
Modifying the File Sequence
There are several ways how you can modify an existing File Sequence.
To update an existing File Sequence, highlight it in the Playlist and open the right-click menu.
There, you have the options to rename, delete or edit the sequence using the indicating commands:
A. The ‘Rename Media’ enables you to rename the sequence, opening a dialog where you can simply change its name by typing in the new value.
B. The ‘Delete Media’ enables you to remove the sequence from the Playlist.
C. The ‘Edit Sequence’ opens the ‘Update Sequence’ dialog where you can change the name, update the handles (‘In’ or ‘Out’ handles), remove the files (see more below), or re-order them by dragging and dropping the files up or down the list.
Image: Example of the ‘Update Sequence’ dialog.
To Remove a file(s) from the File Sequence, select the file(s) to be removed, right-click, choose ‘Remove from sequence’, confirm clicking the ‘Update’ button, and the file(s) will be removed.
In the File Sequence(s), the ‘In’ or ‘Out’ handles can be added to all the applied files.
The Handles can already be set during the File Sequence creation using the ‘Create Sequence’ dialog from the right-click menu of the Playlist.
Image: Handles in the ‘Create Sequence’ dialog.
Or after, once the sequence is already existing.
By highlighting the selected sequence and using the ‘Edit Sequence’ dialog from the right-click menu of the Playlist.
Image: Handles in the ‘Update Sequence’ dialog
In both of the dialogs, the handle setting workflow is the same:
A. You can adjust the ‘In’ & ’Out’ handles using the arrow buttons.
Handles can be set for individual files or on all files in the File Sequence.
If you select/highlight a file, the handles will be adjusted on that file, if you don't select any (or you select them all), the changes will be global.
B. The ‘Clear’ button will reset the handles back to 0.
A value of zero for the ‘In’ & ‘Out’ will set the file(s) to have no handles (ie, cineSync will display every frame). Any other value will create a "handle" or a number of frames that cineSync will not display during the playback of a File Sequence.
For example - a value of 1 (one) for the In value will set a handle of one frame at the head of the file, meaning cineSync will ignore the first frame of the file in the sequence, which can be a quick way of removing slates, etc.
OTIO Export
cineSync 5 enables you to export your File Sequence(s) as an OTIO file(s), which means that you can transport your contex cut, take the sequence and play in a different player if needed (for example, in a HIERO player).
In cineSync 5, there are two ways to export as an OTIO file:
A. Using the Playlist.
Open the ‘Playlist,’ highlight the file sequence you want to export, open the right-click menu and choose ‘Export Sequence to OTIO’.
B. Using the ‘Playlist’ menu ‘Export current OTIO file.’
(Like this, you can export the file sequence that you are currently at.)
Both of these actions will generate a ‘Export to OTIO’ browser window, enabling you to create an OTIO file and save it in your local machine.
Tip: Now while adding numbered frames to playlist you can choose is you want to add them as a sequence ot as separate playlist items.