Encrypting media files for your cineSync review session disables your guests from viewing the media outside that session, while the watermark in cineSync overlays a visual monochromatic and transparent text on your digital assets.
In cineSync 5, these two features are working hand in hand, meaning that you cannot enable watermarking if you haven't enabled the ‘Encrypt Downloaded Files’ setting first.
Please note: Both of the features only apply to files that have been downloaded from an external source (ftrack, ShotGrid, iconik, AWS, or AliCloud).
Encrypted Playback
The encryption renders the files unplayable outside of the cineSync review session.
Files added to the cineSync review session via external source integrations can now be encrypted. They remain encrypted on disk for all participants until they are deleted (files can be set to be auto-deleted at the end of the review session).
Image: Example of an error message that displays when trying to open an encrypted file.
Watermarking on Encrypted Files
In addition, to file encryption, content owners can enforce a visual watermark, which is displayed in the corners of the image, and visually identifies the machine name [B.], Host ID/Mac address [D.], date/time [C.], and session key/ID [A.] for each participant.
Tip: In addition to enforced corner texts, you can also add a customizable watermark text that will appear in the center of the image [E.] You can type in your own text and set its color. By default, the watermarking color is gray, but you can select your own color and change it according to your liking. |
Image: Example of a watermarked image.
Encryption & Watermarking with ftrack Integration
You can set the Encryption & Watermarking for your ftrack files from ftrack’s Preferences.
To open the dialog, go to the ‘Integrations’ menu > 'Preferences'.
Once on the ftrack’s Preferences menu, you can enable/disable the ‘Encrypt Download Files’ and ‘Watermark Encrypted Files’ checkboxes and activate/deactivate the features.
Please note: You cannot enable Watermarking if you haven't enabled the Encrypt Downloaded Files first. Tip: In addition, after enabling the watermarking, you can also add customizable ‘Watermark Message’ text that will be added in the center of the image.
Encryption & Watermarking with ShotGrid Integration
You can set the Encryption & Watermarking for your ShotGrid files from the ShotGrid Preferences menu.
To open the dialog, go to the ‘Integrations’ menu > 'ShotGrid Preferences'.
Once on the ShotGrid Preferences menu, you can enable/disable the ‘Encrypt Download Files’ and ‘Watermark Encrypted Files’ checkboxes and activate/deactivate the features.
Please note: You cannot enable Watermarking if you haven't enabled the Encrypt Downloaded Files first. Tip: In addition, after enabling the watermarking, you can also add customizable ‘Watermark Message’ text that will be added in the center of the image.
Encryption & Watermarking with iconik Integration
You can set the Encryption & Watermarking for your iconik files from the iconik Preferences menu.
There are 3 ways to access the iconik Preferences menu:
1. From the ‘Integration’ menu, selecting ‘iconik’ and ‘Preferences'.
2. From the iconik login menu:
3. From the iconik menu top-bar
Once on the iconik Preferences menu, you can enable/disable the ‘Encrypt Download Files’ and ‘Watermark Encrypted Files’ checkboxes and activate/deactivate the features.
Please note: You cannot enable Watermarking if you haven't enabled the Encrypt Downloaded Files first. Tip: In addition, after enabling the watermarking, you can also add customizable ‘Watermark Message’ text that will be added in the center of the image.
Encryption & Watermarking with AWS S3 Integration
You can set the Encryption & Watermarking for your AWS 3 files from the cineSync Preferences menu.
To open the dialog, go to the ‘cineSyncPlay’ menu Preferences.
Once on the Preferences menu, open the File Transfers section and choose your AWS S3 account, where you can enable/disable the ‘Encrypt Download Files’ and ‘Watermark Encrypted Files’ checkboxes and activate/deactivate the features.
Please note: You cannot enable watermarking if you haven't enabled the Encrypt Downloaded Files first. Tip: In addition, after enabling the watermarking, you can also add customizable ‘Watermark Message’ text that will be added in the center of the image. |
Encryption & Watermarking with AliCloud Integration
You can set the Encryption & Watermarking for your AliCloud files from the cineSync Preferences menu.
To open the dialog, go to the ‘cineSyncPlay’ menu Preferences.
Once on the Preferences menu, open the File Transfers section and choose your AliCloud account, where you can enable/disable the ‘Encrypt Download Files’ and ‘Watermark Encrypted Files’ checkboxes and activate/deactivate the features.
Please note: You cannot enable watermarking if you haven't enabled the Encrypt Downloaded Files first. Tip: In addition, after enabling the watermarking, you can also add customizable ‘Watermark Message’ text that will be added in the center of the image. |