AWS S3 & AliCloud Integrations


With cineSync 5, you can use the AWS S3 or AliCloud Integrations to securely send files to others in your review.

It enables the session owners to transfer review media to guests via AWS S3 or AliCloud. Meaning that when guests join, the media is automatically transferred to them without them needing to initiate the transfer.


AWS S3 File Transfers

To configure your AWS S3 integration, you need to go to the ‘cineSyncPlay’ menu Preferences’ ‘File Transfers.’


Tip: You can also access the same ‘File Transfers’ window directly from the ‘Playlist’, using the ‘File Transfers’ button.

Or by opening the right-click menu and choosing the ‘Configure Transfer Accounts’.


To add a new AWS file transfer location:

1. Navigate to the ‘Account Type’ and select 'AWS’ from the account type drop-down list.


2. Click the ‘Add' button to attach a new AWS file transfer account, which will open the AWS S3 File Transfer menu, where you can put in your S3 account details.


AWS S3 File Transfers menu

Image: An example of a filled AWS ‘File Transfers’ menu, where you see all the fields with the account information that you need to fill in.

If you are adding AWS, you will need to enter your bucket/region details as per your AWS S3 account and your access keys.

Once your S3 bucket is set up, the S3 transfer function in cineSync can be used to transfer files the same way as you would use AliCloud, FTP, SFTP, etc. - with included options such as encryption, watermarking and auto-deletion for additional security.

Follow the steps below to set up your S3 bucket correctly and ensure your details will work in cineSync.

Setting up the AWS S3 bucket

To enable cineSync to transfer files via AWS S3, you need to first create an S3 bucket with the necessary security credentials to allow cineSync access.

The following steps assume that you have a valid AWS account and a basic understanding of using S3.

Creating a S3 bucket:

  • Login to your AWS account.

  • From the “Services" tab on the top left corner of the page, select S3 - it is within the storage section.

  • From the S3 bucket management page, select Create Bucket.

  • Enter a bucket name. NB: make a note of this name as you will need to use this name in cineSync.

  • Select the AWS Region. NB: make a note of the AWS region name, as you will need to use this name in cineSync. For example - EU (Frankfurt) eu-central-1

  • Under “Block Public Access,” unselect "Block all public access," but ensure the following 3 items are still selected.

    • Block public access to buckets and objects granted through any access control lists (ACLs)

    • Block public access to buckets and objects granted through new public bucket or access point policies

    • Block public and cross-account access to buckets and objects through any public bucket or access point policies

  • Acknowledge that you are changing the security settings. This step is not making your files public, it is simply allowing cineSync to access the files in the bucket via signed and timed URLs.

  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and select Create Bucket.

Once the S3 bucket has been created, you need to create the security credentials to allow cineSync to use the bucket. You can either create the security credentials for the root user, but it is recommended to create a new dedicated user in IAM.

Dedicated User

  • Open the service menu (found at the top left of the page) and select "IAM." It is part of the "Security, Identity, & Compliance" group.

  • Select User from the menu on the left and select Add User.

  • Enter a user name, and ensure "Programmatic access" is selected. Press "Next."

  • From the next window, select "Attach existing policies directly." in the filter, enter "AmazonS3FullAccess" and ensure the option is selected. Press "Next."

  • On the "Add user" page, press 'Next.' Check the details and select "Create User".

  • A new user will be created with a new public and private key. Make a note of these keys, as cineSync will need them both, and they can only be viewed once. You can, however, download these keys via the Download .csv button.

To apply for further restrictions or permissions, please consult AWS's documentation.

Root User

  • Open the user menu (This menu option is at the top right of the page and has your username on it) and select “My Security Credentials”.

  • Open up the access keys menu item and select create a new key. This will generate a new public and private key. Make a note of these keys, as cineSync will need them both, and they can only be viewed once. You can, however, download these keys via an option.

Please Note: It can take a few minutes for these new keys for either user to be activated, so wait a moment before trying to use them within cineSync.


OPTION: Set files on S3 to auto-delete using object life cycling.

  • From the “Services" tab on the top left corner of the page, select S3 - it is within the storage section.

  • From the list buckets, select the bucket you wish to auto-delete files from, and then select the management tab.

  • Create a new life cycle rule

  • Give the rule a name and change the rule scope to apply to all objects in the bucket.

  • If you want files to be deleted after 24 hours, enable "Expire current versions of objects” and set the "Number of days after object creation” value to 1.

  • Enable "Permanently delete previous versions of objects” and set the "Permanently delete previous versions of objects” value to 1.

  • Select Create Rule

  • If you would like to set a different duration for the lifecycle, you can do so by changing the values accordingly.

File transferring with AWS S3 Integration

You can access the AWS File Transfers Integration using the ‘Playlist’s right-click menu.


Tip: You can load the Playlist by selecting ‘Show Playlist’ from the Playlist menu.

Or by selecting ‘Show Playlist’ from the bottom left drop menu.

  • Adding files to the Playlist

To Add file(s) from the AWS S3 server, you have different options.

  • By selecting ‘Add from Server’ from the Playlist menu.

  • By selecting ‘Add from server’ from the bottom left drop menu.

  • From the Playlist, using the ‘File Transfers’ button.

  • or the right-click dialog, hovering over the ‘Add From Server’ and choosing your AWS Account.



Tip: From the same right-click dialog, clicking ‘Configure Transfer Accounts,’ you can access the ‘Preferences’ File Transfers’ menu to configure your AWS account details.


This opens a remote AWS file browser window from where you can download the assets for review.




  • Uploading files to the server

To Upload file(s) to the AWS server:

  • Select the file(s) from the playlist.
    Using the ‘File Transfers’ button.

  • Or the right-click menu.


AliCloud File Transfers

To configure your AliCloud integration, you need to go to the ‘cineSyncPlay’ menu ‘Preferences’ ‘File Transfers.’


Tip: You can also access the same ‘File Transfers’ window directly from the ‘Playlist,’ by opening the right-click menu and choosing the ‘Configure Transfer Accounts.’



To add a new AliCloud file transfer location:

1. Navigate to the ‘Account Type’ and select 'AliCloud’ from the account type drop-down list.

2. Click the ‘Add' button to attach a new AliCloud file transfer account, which will open the AliCloud File Transfer menu, where you can put in your account details.


AliCloud File Transfers menu

Image: Example of a filled AliCloud ‘File Transfers’ menu where you see all the fields with the account information that you need to fill in.

If you are adding AliCloud, you will need to enter your host/bucket details and your access keys.

Once your AliCloud bucket is set up, and the transfer function in cineSync can be used to transfer files the same way as you would use AWS - with included options such as encryption, watermarking, and auto-deletion for additional security.

Tip: The AliCloud Integration will work both inside and outside of China.


File transferring with AliCloud Integration

You can access the AliCloud File Transfers Integration using the ‘Playlist’s ‘File Transfers’ button or right-click menu.


Tip: You can load the Playlist by selecting ‘Show Playlist’ from the Playlist menu.

Or by selecting ‘Show Playlist’ from the bottom left drop menu.

Adding files to the Playlist

To Add file(s) from the AliCloud server, you have different options.

  • By selecting ‘Add from Server’ from the Playlist menu.

  • By selecting ‘Add from server’ from the bottom left drop menu.


  • From the Playlist, using the ‘File Transfers’ button.

  • or the right-click dialog, hovering over the ‘Add From Server’ and choosing your AliCloud Account.


Tip: From the same right-click dialog, clicking ‘Configure Transfer Accounts,’ you can access the ‘Preferences’ File Transfers’ menu to configure your AliCloud account details.

This opens a remote AliCloud file browser window from where you can download the assets for review.



  • Uploading files to server

To Upload file(s) to the AliCloud server:

Select the file(s) from the playlist.

  • Using the ‘File Transfers’ button.

  • Or the right-click menu.


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